Wednesday, August 3, 2011

"You are the SALT of the Earth..."

One of my assignments during my stay in Papua New Guinea was teaching and observing the Bola Bible SALT Course. After the dedication of the Bola Bible, the SALT team was invited to conduct a two week long course to help the Bola people learn basic Scriptural truths and the importance of feeding themselves with God's Word which was now available to them in their heart language. In Papua New Guinea, there are 826 plus languages making PNG the single most linguistically diverse place in the world. Brent and Sandy Wiebe, Wycliffe Bible Translators from Wisconsin, have made their permanent residence in Kimbe, West New Britian, Papua New Guinea with the hopes giving the Bola people something of eternal value. Since 1996, they and their three children have been living among the Bola people and translating the New Testament. This New Testament was dedicated on June 25, 2011. One of the things I asked God for before going to Papua New Guinea was to be able to see a Bible Dedication. I am grateful beyond words to have been a part of this amazing day which will be remembered throughout all eternity.

The SALT course stands for Scripture Application and Leadership Training. The purpose of this course is to encourage believers to not only read their Tok Ples Bible, but to apply the Scriptures to their lives with the help of the Holy Spirit. The course also instructs the participants how to train leaders themselves who will in turn be able to train others (discipleship).

Although the Bola tok ples has about 12,000 speakers, less than 300 people came to the dedication, and only fifteen received certification from the SALT course. Fortunately, God does not operate in numbers. We know  Jesus Himself had only twelve disciples when he very well could have had hundreds.

Each day, the SALT teachers covered two lessons. In all, there were nineteen lessons covered during the course. I had the privilege of teaching a lesson called "Overcoming the Enemy." This was a humbling opportunity for me, and I felt completely inadequate to be able to teach this particular lesson especially. However, as He so often does, God simultaneously worked in my heart as well as the participants. It was evident that His Spirit was moving and breaking down the language barrier.

The lessons taught in the SALT course are designed to build foundational values in the life of a Christian. Everything from salvation, the validity of God's Word, the importance of living a holy life, raising a godly family, and many other topics are taught during the two weeks. During our last church service in the Pasiloke village, one man named Augustine gave his testimony in front of the congregation. Augustine was not a church elder in this village and so therefore, he had decided to attend the course only as an observer. However, after hearing the first lesson which talked about God's Word as Truth, Augustine realized he did not fully understand salvation, nor God and His Word until that day. He told the congregation that he finally knew the truth and was grateful to God for the SALT course which He used to open Augustine's eyes. This is just one of the many life changing stories God did during these two weeks.

Please pray for the Bola tok ples, and for those who attended this SALT course that the truths they heard would be sealed within their hearts. Please pray they make their main priority knowing God and making Him known. Pray they use their Bibles and value it's contents. Pray that God grows them and sanctifies them continually. Specifically, please pray for Augustine, his wife Josephine, and their three children that they may grow into a godly family that the Lord would be glorified by. Finally, please pray for the SALT Project which continues to hold courses all across the South Pacific in a variety of heart languages. Pray God's blessing upon the project.

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